06 November 2009

Why are the street prices in Monopoly City Streets getting higher everyday?

The answer is in the economics of the game. Everyday there is more money being thrown at game through the rent. So more money, same streets we have everyday an aggravation of what is called a "Vertical supply curve (perfectly inelastic supply)". Quoting wikipedia "As a hypothetical example, consider the supply curve of the land. Suppose that no matter how much someone would be willing to pay for an additional piece, more land cannot be created".

It's not really vertical this is a extreme case to better understand the problem.

Please comment if you agree/disagree,
Have fun playing the game,


Rhode said...

We're somewhere about half way in the game, the 400 bldg has lifted, and the streets fit more buildings than before. Its inevitable that long steets will keep getting more expensive and rare. This trend should taper of as the game nears the end, as players build up their streets instead of buying more. December will be interesting.

Rhode said...

This site is a great resource and I visit often to see whats selling.

DeuxHirondelles said...

Yup, great site. I'd like to figure out a way to offer a couple of my shortest long streets to new users without trying to get 10x the price for them. Andre, can you follow me on Twitter so I can DM you with an e-mail addy so I can get your help on this? Thnks

André Ricardo said...

Deux my email is marketpoly@fridaycode.org if you want email me.

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